Worker Benefits
Keeping your business running smoothly is essential today and it starts with the people around you.
We’ll provide an affordable program that has real value and shows your existing staff that they are appreciated without costing much.
Both new and existing workers can get instant incentives to help keep them around and make life easier for everyone in your organization!
Higher Pay Versus Benefits
A survey by Glassdoor found that 4 out of 5 employees would rather have new or additional benefits than a pay raise back in 2015.
Even though that was a century ago in technology time, it’s still valid today.
The number one perk workers want today is on-demand pay so they have access to their funds as they earn it.
Our worker benefits program is designed to help to keep workers engaged with perks that are beneficial to them.
We Provide The Perks
The key to keep existing associates interested in your business is to show them that you care.
The days of replacing employees by just running an ad isn’t as easy as it once was.
If you want to keep the business moving forward with the current economic conditions you better have a dedicated team helping with the mission.
We provide an affordable package that keeps workers engaged in your business and can be implemented within days.
Note: This is included in our 1099 Independent Contactor Partner Program.
Commercial Insurance
Every worker will have their own policy with the limits below.
Commercial Insurance: What’s covered:
Damage to someone else’s property (including employee theft)
Bodily injury and related medical expenses incurred by someone outside your organization
Personal injury (e.g., libel or slander)
Limits and deductibles selected
General liability: $1,000,000 each occurrence
Business personal property: $1,000,000
Telemedicine Healthcare Subscription
Our Worker Benefit program includes a 24/7 Telemedicine Healthcare subscription.
One of the major cost associated with living in the world today is the cost of Healthcare.
After scouring the internet for options to this issue, we have decided to include a Healthcare subscription for our members.
This is Making Traditional Doctor Visits Obsolete with No Healthcare Premiums, No Copays and No Deductibles.
Healthcare Memberships sometimes called Healthcare MSOs (Management Services Organization) are becoming very popular and it’s easy to see why.
You will connect with a REAL Doctor when and where you want through our virtual visits.
Your Healthcare Membership Includes the entire household (up to 7 people) at no additional cost and works with or without insurance.

Save up to 90% on Lab Tests and No Doctor’s Office Visit Needed
Save up to 90% on Lab Tests and No Doctor's Office Visit Needed
Here’s another excellent Benefit of a GIGWork Membership. Order blood tests and lab tests online and take charge of your health care and wallet! We have over 2,100 Service Centers Nationwide (we currently do not serve NY, NJ, and RI)
Medical with Prescriptions | Dermatology with Prescriptions
Common Visit Reasons: Allergies, Common cold, Constipation. Cough, Diarrhea, Ear Problems, Fever, Flu, Headache, Insect Bites, Nausea, Pink Eye, Rash, Respiratory Problems, Sore Throat, UTI, Vomiting and more…Available today for patients in all 50 states and Puerto Rico
2000 Doctor Consults Completed per Day
Our doctors are ready when you are. 24/7 anywhere, anytime.
75% of People say they prefer Telehealth and Telemedicine over traditional doctor office visits,
even the CDC says “Use Telehealth to Expand Access to Essential Health Services”
4.5 Minute Average Wait Time
I want it now. We live in a modern world where convenience and saving time is at the top of the list. We don’t make you wait for quality care.
Our doctors are the same doctors you would see for Primary Care, Urgent Care, and even in the Emergency Room.
98% Customer Satisfaction
We’re not perfect, but we’re getting there. 98% of our customers say they were satisfied with our service and would recommend our service to family and friends.
Survey: 67% of our customers say they would have gone to an ER if they didn’t have access to Telemedicine.
97% Resolution on First Call. One Call That's All
When you want to see a doctor, you want three things:
- Diagnosis (what’s wrong),
- Plan of Care (what should I do)
- Prescription if needed
Our doctors can do that.
In-House Social Media Studio
Many workers expressed disappointment when it came to being recognized as individuals.
So we provide an in-house Social Media Studio for their platform to the world!
Create the culture you always wanted with our easy-to-use worker benefit program that reflects the evolving needs of today’s workforce.
We provide our own in-house studio, complete with graphic designers, editors, and copywriters.
report that being valued for their individual contributions is the biggest driver of belonging
of employees departing an organization have not been recognized in the past 6 months
say feeling recognized would reduce their desire to job hunt
Some understand the importance of branding, some don’t.
However, showing appreciation is understood by everyone!
Up to 4 Assets are included with each account every month which includes 15 Sec Video Ads and 1000px X 1000px Images for Social Media posting.
On-Demand Payroll
On-Demand Pay
Also known as earned wage access (EWA), is a payroll service that allows employees to access some or all of their wages as they are earned.

Simple Program – Simple Pricing – Simple Results
- 1 – Accidental Insurance
- 2 – Healthcare Subscription
- 3 – Social Media Studio
- 4 – On-Demand Payroll
- 5 – Dedicated Support
- all for a low price of $169 a month per associate.
- ~ This is for The Hospitality Industry ~
- Insurance premiums may vary according to the industry/state
Partner Program
Partner Program
GIGWORK is a new marketplace now launched where businesses can find authenticated job seekers and workers can find real opportunities.
Our role as a partner is to take the burden off of hiring staff, marketing your agency, and trying desperately to keep employees around longer with incentives (a huge problem every industry is going through).
We’ll present hand-picked vetted candidates for your positions as needed according to your requirements all on a commission basis.
Our Partner program consists of a complete BDC (Business Development Center) that will keep your business thriving in your desired area.
The program is designed to allow you to work on your business, not in your business so we can all grow.
The goal is to build your online presence and get more clients, as your marketing partner, we have the experience, tools, and processes to make your brand appear as a Fortune 500 company without the cost associated with the process.
Here’s how it works, let’s say you want to reach 10,000 potential clients within a 25-mile radius of your main market area.
You will pay for the ad spend which would be in the neighborhood of $250-$400 for the cost of the ads, (cost depends on the amount of competition in your area), we will generate the content and run the ad campaigns at no additional charge.
We will also provide Onboarding Video Tutorials to help eliminate time wasters (Time Management is critical to surviving these days).
All you have to do is send us the raw footage of an actual onboarding process of what the worker will be doing and we’ll dress it up and make it available online.
We can even have the new candidates take an online test to determine if he/she is capable of listening to instructions before time is wasted with the complete orientation process.
Perks For Agency Owner/Operators
Onboarding Tutorials to eliminate time wasters (send raw footage to us and we’ll edit)
(2) 15-second Video Ads and (2) Static Images for Promotions monthly
Marketing for building the Brand (you supply ad spend, we’ll supply everything else)
1- Content Creation (Video, Images, Misc Assets)
2- Youtube Pre-roll Ads (The Ads That Play Before and During Videos on YouTube)
3- Targeted Facebook Ad Campaigns (Only Reaching Service Areas)
4- Retargeting Ads (So Your Ads Follow the Visitor)
5-Onboarding Tutorials (Time Management)
Perks For Your Staff
Telemedicine, Commercial Insurance, and Recognition
Telemedicine Program (up to 7 Family Members) No Per Visit Fees. No Co-Pays. No Deductibles.
Up to 90% Savings on Prescriptions and Lab Work
$1,000,000 Commercial Insurance
What’s covered:
- Damage to someone else’s property (including employee theft)
- Bodily injury and related medical expenses incurred by someone outside your organization
- Personal injury (e.g., libel or slander)
Limits and deductibles selected
- General liability: $1,000,000 each occurrence
- Business personal property: $1,000,000
HD Graphics and Videos For Branding
Our primary entity is Media Ad Group which is a video production and digital marketing firm based in Morgan City, LA.
We have been around since 2009 and have provided marketing campaigns for all types of products and services on local, regional and national campaigns for many well-known brands.
You can find more information about our process at https://mediaadgroup.com/
Times Are Changing Fast
Interesting Facts on the Gig Economy
According to the website purple.co, the majority of workers are attempting to start businesses rather than going back to traditional employment after the pandemic.
36% of the entire US working population is into the gig economy based on their primary or secondary jobs.
29% of US workers have an alternate job to support themselves, which falls into the gig economy.
63% of full-time employees have expressed their desire to enter the gig economy to work independently.
More than 75% of gig workers have stated that they are happy with their current freelance working style and plan to stay that way.
Close to 37% of independent gig workers are between the age group of 21 to 38 years.
It’s predicted that within the next five years, more than 50% of the US adult workforce will be a part of the independent gig economy.
As per recent reports, the gig economy is expanding three times faster than the entire US workforce as a whole.
Commercial Insurance
Commercial Insurance
What’s covered:
- Damage to someone else’s property (including employee theft)
- Bodily injury and related medical expenses incurred by someone outside your organization
- Personal injury (e.g., libel or slander)
Limits and deductibles selected
- General liability: $1,000,000 each occurrence
- Business personal property: $1,000,000
Healthcare Subscription Information
To help prevent unnecessary trips to the doctor, our members can connect to board-certified medical professionals in minutes on any device (Live Video Chat, Text, Voice Call) without using insurance.
Connecting to medical professionals is unlimited, connecting to mental health professionals is limited to 3 clinical hrs per year.
We keep it completely FREE for our network partners, all we ask is to be active on the BLN Marketplace for a minimum of 15 hrs a week!
Medical • Dermatology • Mental Health
Includes: Discounted Prescriptions – Lab and Bloodwork
24/7 Access to Board Certified Medical Professionals
Reduce your healthcare costs with our FREE subscription
Save up to 90% on Prescriptions and Lab Work
Quick access to around-the-clock urgent care from home, work, or anywhere, even while traveling
No more unnecessary trips to the doctor’s office or sitting in a waiting room for hours
The only true subscription-based membership healthcare system
Use for a second opinion
No Per Visit Fees. No Co-Pays. No Deductibles.

Fill out your request below, and we’ll get back to you within 24 hrs.

You can find more statistics on the above stats at https://www2.deloitte.com/

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Trademarks of Media Ad Group | MAG and its affiliated companies including GIGWork.Network and Better Lifestyle Network.
The information on this website is for general information/educational purposes only.
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This information is not intended to create, and receipt or viewing does not constitute a business relationship of any kind.
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Media Ad Group

Head Office
Morgan City, LA 70380

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